IEEE-Atlanta’s award-winning Educational Activities Program builds connections between classroom science and its real world applications.  We demonstrate the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while having a little fun along the way.    IEEE-Atlanta’s Educational Activities is invested in inspiring the next generation of engineers to pursue STEM fields and helps to spark excitement about engineering through our STEM education programs.  Recent events include:

IEEE-Atlanta's STEM Champions

IEEE-Atlanta has six IEEE STEM Champions!  The IEEE STEM Champion program is an initiative by the IEEE aimed at promoting and supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and engagement. IEEE STEM Champions are individuals who actively work to inspire and empower students, educators, and communities in the fields of STEM through various activities such as mentorship, outreach programs, educational events, and advocacy efforts. They play a crucial role in fostering interest, skills, and opportunities in STEM disciplines, ultimately contributing to the advancement of technology and innovation.

Meet IEEE-Atlanta's STEM Champions

Brian Page
Kyle Bryan
Melody Richardson
Javier Jimenez
Wei Zhang
Hines Richardson

IEEE-Atlanta at the Atlanta Science Festival’s Exploration Expo

IEEE Atlanta returned to the Atlanta Science Festival’s Exploration Expo on Saturday, March 25, 2023 in Piedmont Park.  Six, SoutheastCon 2024 Outreach teams showcased their best STEM activity and educated attendees about MOVE Community Outreach.

Midtown High School First Robotics Team

IEEE-Atlanta is proud to support the Midtown High School First Robotics G3 Team 1648!  Brian Page, Senior Life Member and STEM Champion has served as mentor for the program for several years.  This year, the team finished a very close 2nd at GRITS 2023  (Georgia Robotics Invitational Tournament & Showcase) in October.

To find out more about IEEE-Atlanta’s mentoring opportunities, email

Midtown High School Robotics Team

The team with their mentors (in black shirts)  Left to right, Brian Page, Lead – Erik Boyle, and Russell McIntosh.   not pictured – Eric Kaufman 

Lake Windward Elementary’s Family STEM Night – February 13, 2024

IEEE-Atlanta’s Educational Activities hosted a Family STEM Night at Lake Windward Elementary on February 13 in Alpharetta.  Forty volunteers led over 800 students with their families in 15 different STEM activities.

Clayton County Science Fair – February 3, 2024

at Morrow Middle School.


Melody Richardson wins 2023 IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Pre-University Education

Melody Richardson received the EAB award for her dedication and leadership in K-12 STEM education and sustained community outreach initiatives such as Family Science Nights and STEM on the MOVE.

The Meritorious Achievement Award in Pre-University Education recognizes individuals for work in a pre-university school, or those that influence school-based activities for pre-university students. These individuals have inspired an appreciation and understanding of Mathematics, Science and Technology and the engineering process in pre-university students, and have encouraged students to pursue technical careers.

Atlanta Science Festival’s Exploration Expo – March 23, 2023

IEEE-Atlanta & Region 3 sponsored the Curious Kids Zone at the Atlanta Science Festival’s Exploration Expo on March 23, 2023 in Piedmont Park.  We hosted the “Are You Up to the (STEM) Challenge” exhibit booth and “What’s Inside the MOVE Truck” mobile exhibit.  

Shakerag Elementary’s Family STEM Night – March 16, 2023

IEEE Educational Activities held a Family STEM Night at Shakerag Elementary on March 16 in Duluth.  Thirty-five volunteers led over 700 students and their families in 18 STEM activities.

Ocee Elementary’s Family STEM Night – February 28, 2023

IEEE-Atlanta Educational Activities held a Family STEM Night at Ocee Elementary on February 28th in Johns Creek.  More than 25 IEEE volunteers led over 700 students and their families in 16 STEM activities.

John Robert Lewis Elementary’s Family Science Night – February 2, 2023


Over 650 students and their families braved the rain for John Robert Lewis Elementary Schools Family Science Night.  Twenty five volunteers led 13 simultaneous activities ranging from Anemometers to the Magical Acid Bases.

Charlie Curylo – Family Science Night Volunteer Spotlight

We had our youngest Family Scientist Night guest speaker at John Robert Lewis Elementary’s Family Science Night.  Sixth grader Charlie Curylo of the Dunwoody Beekeepers led “60,000 Miniature Gardeners in a Box” discussing the essential role of bees in our daily life and ecosystem.

Suit Up Professional Preparation’s Mock Career Fair – January 20, 2023

Brian Page volunteered for Georgia Tech’s seventh annual Mock Career Fair on January 20, 2023.  This event is designed to help undergraduate students practice their career fair skills in a low states environment.

Ashford Park Elementary School's Family Science Night - November 3, 2022

We had a great time at Ashford Park’s Family Science Night. Over 600 attendees,15 different, simultaneous activities, and countless future engineers.

Hickory Hills Elementary School's Family Science Night - October 11, 2022

In celebration of IEEE Day 2022, IEEE Atlanta’s Educational Activities hosted its first in-person outreach event in two years!  We hosted a Family Science Night at Hickory Hills Elementary on 10/11/22 for over 100 students and their families.    Family Science Nights bring families together to learn about all aspects of science.   Students and their families explore science by participating in hands-on activities and participating in demonstrations and discussions with IEEE volunteers (including members of WIE and YP), Community Organizations, and Industry Professionals.

STEM Literacy Project

We are proud to be selected as a 2022 Constellation Community Champion for our STEM Literacy Project!  We donated over 200 books to 10 different schools throughout the Atlanta area.  By tying literacy and STEM together, children become strong readers while exploring topics that may spark their interest in STEM. 

Educational programs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) — when coupled with literacy, reading, and comprehension skills — are critical in inspiring the innovators and inventors of tomorrow.  The strongest STEM educational programs interweave literacy-rich materials with hands-on investigation and experimentation.  Interested?  Contact Melody Richardson.

The Family Science Night (FSN) program demonstrates the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in our students’ daily lives.  Students attend with their families and engage in an evening of scientific learning with professional scientists and engineers from their community.

FSN gives the unique opportunity for students and their families to interact with a practicing scientist or engineer, thus being able to see how science affects their daily lives.  An example of the type of activities we do during FSN is “Reach like a Robot,”  where students construct a working robot arm out of common household items.

FSNs are free to the hosting school and all attendees.  Interested? Contact Melody Richardson.