Local chapters are specialized technical subunits of the Section.

Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society/Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society

Chair: Austin Foote
Vice Chair: Leda Sox
Secretary: Marsal Bruna
Treasurer: Brian Mulvaney
Representative at Large: Christopher Purdy
Representative at Large: Visvesh Sathe

Antennas and Propagation Society / Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Treasurer: Alex Trzecieski
Circuits and Systems Society / Solid-State Circuits Society
Vice Chairs: Shaolan LI/Shimeng Lu
Communications Society
Chair: Brian Page
Vice Chair/Secretary: Sumit Chakravarty
Treasurer: Anne Costolanski
Past Chair: Tamseel Mahmood
Computer Society
Chair: Brian Page
Vice Chair: Barry Drake
Treasurer: Christopher Hood
Electron Devices Society  / Photonics Society
Chair:  Sorin Tibuleac
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Chair: Adriane Swalm Durey
Vice Chair: Erik Moore
Treasurer: Jacqueline Farley
Industry Applications Society
Website: http://site.ieee.org/atlanta-ias/
Chair: Jason Page
Vice Chair: Tyler Knight
Treasurer: Carlos Atkins
Secretary: Jonah Chizmadia
Past Chair: Lucian Gavriliuc
Photonics Society

Chair: Azadeh Ansari
Vice Chair: Sorin Tibuleac
Secretary: Benjamin Yang
Treasurer: Adilson Cardoso

Power & Energy Society
Chair: Manish Murudkar
Vice-chair: LaRhonda Julien
Secretary: Jennifer Franco
Treasurer: Javis Kenerson
Power Electronics Society
Chair: Alberto Berzoy
Vice Chair: Zhi Jin Zhang 
Treasurer: Enrique Sanabria Torres
Robotics & Automation Society

Chair: Ashwin Ashok
Vice Chair: Shaun Anderson
Secretary: Muhammed Tanveer
Treasurer: Sumit Chakravarty

Signal Processing Society
Chair: Guyou Lu
Secretary: Kevin Berman
Treasurer: Stanley Sutphin
Society on the Social Implications of Technology
Chair: David Morton
Technical & Engineering Management
Chair: David Bishop


Affinity Groups are non-technical subunits of the Section.

Life Members

Chair: Jonathan Yam
Vice Chair: Brian Page
Treasurer: Charles Bachman
Group Chair: Yusef Yaras

Women in Engineering

WIE Website: https://r3.ieee.org/atlanta-wie/

Young Professionals

YP Website: http://site.ieee.org/atlanta-yp/

Student Branches

Georgia Tech:  https://www.ieee.gatech.edu/

University of Georgia: https://ieee.uga.edu/

Kennesaw State University: https://owllife.kennesaw.edu/organization/ieee

DeVry University: https://ieee-devry-university-online.org/