IEEE Region 3 Member Engagement Report – July, 2015
IEEE Region 3 Member Engagement Report – July, 2015
IEEE Region 3 Member Engagement Report – June 2015
IEEE R3 ExCom – FYME Training – 7-13-15
IEEE Region 3,
Tonight is a special Region 3 ExCom meeting that will highlight MELC activities including the First Year Member Experience Project, FYME. I have attached the meeting slides and the latest IEEE and Region 3 Member Engagement Reports. Please review and share with your Sections.
The FYME Pilot Sections
Eastern North Carolina Section – Mentors, Mauricio Cano Galvis, Mary Ellen Randall
Florida West Coast Section – Mentor, Jim Howard
Piedmont Section – Mentors, Allen Thomas, Lee Stogner
Savannah Section – Mentors, Rami J Haddad, Bill Ratcliff
These Sections have started their FYME projects and will be available to share what they learn with the rest of the Region 3 team.
The Area / Council Support Team
Area 1 Chair – Sean Haynes
Area 2 Chair – Paul Goodson
Area 3 Chair – William Marshall
Area 4 Chair – James Anderson
Area 5 Chair – Timothy S Bigelow
Area 6 Chair – Eric Grigorian
Area 7 Chair – Jacquelyn D N Cunningham
Area 8 Chair – Anthony M Richardson
Area 9 Chair – Daniel T Tulloch-Reid
These members are particularly important to this project in that they have senior experience with the IEEE and they are geographically close to a small manageable number of Sections that they will help us support. Many thanks to Mary Ellen for volunteering the time of these IEEE Leaders for this project.
Path Forward
At tonight’s Region 3 ExCom Meeting, we will answer questions from everyone regarding the execution phase of the FYME Project. This is not an exercise where we throw documentation “over the wall” and wish you luck in the future. This project will continue to be supported until we are retaining our First Year Members and this process is a ongoing part of our Section activities. All of the Area Chairs are encouraged to participate in the Monday night meetings that the FYME team have been having. If anyone wants to add new detail to our documentation, you are welcome. If you require web casts to engage your entire Sections as a FYME team, not a problem. Bottom line, we are in this together and we will work together to grow back to and exceed our previous high of over 30,000 members.
We still have other Member Engagement activities,
– Student Members
– Company Outreach
– Renewal / Retention
– Senior Member Upgrades
– Life Members
– Our various Committees that deliver Educational, Career and other Professional support
One activity does not replace another, it does take a range of targeted campaigns to ensure that our members are engaged to the point that Region 3 can reach a goal of 50,000 members.
This project is but one of the activities that it takes to encourage, motivate and grow a organization of thousands of members here in the Southeast. Each of us joined the IEEE for our own reasons. A big part of this project is to find out what these new members need from the IEEE and establish ways in which those needs can be met. We should also review our current, long standing members and ask what can the IEEE do to engage and support them as well.
Don’t forget that we have the July 21 MD Webcast coming up. Registration details are included below.
Lee Stogner, PMP
Region 3 Member Engagement Chair
Christopher Wright
IEEE Membership Development Staff
Elyn Perez
Jul 7, 2015
Join us for the next MD Webcast, scheduled for Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 10:00 AM Eastern (New York) or 14:00:00 UTC.Hello IEEE Membership Development Team,
The topics we will discuss in this month’s webcast include:
- Membership statistics and trends
- Section MD goals
- 2016 Membership Year Preparation
- VTools Tutorial
Register online now at:
Note this month we are switching to the WebEx platform for the MD webcasts.
Click on the “Register” link and then complete the short form with your name and email address, IEEE Region, Section or Society.
If you missed any of the previous webcasts, the Webcast Archive page is found at .
Questions or suggestions for a future webcast? Please let me know!
Elyn Perez
Elyn Perez
Senior Manager, Member Market Development
IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Department
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA
Tel: +1 732 562 5392
Fax: +1 732 562 6528